Social Security scheme
The Social Security scheme I is the most benevolent and prestigious scheme of IMA Kerala State Branch, launched on 1st July 1987. The scheme has completed 25 years and has given substantial financial benefit to 282 bereaved families till date. The fraternity benefit at present is 12.30 lakhs.
Aims and Objectives
1. The main aim of the scheme is to give financial support to the bereaved family of a member of the scheme in the event of unfortunate death.
2. Charitable activities to help those who are in need of financial assistance for their treatment at the request of local branches of IMA.
Eligibility of membership
Any member of IMA Kerala State Branch below the age of 55 years is eligible to Join the scheme provided
a) Any member above the age of 50 but below 55 yrs should have a continuous membership of 5 years in IMA on the day of joining the scheme.
b) Any member above the age of 40 but below 50 yrs should have a continuous membership of 2 years in IMA on the date of joining the scheme.
c) For those IMA members who are below the age of 40 continuous membership in IMA is not mandatory.
Life membership
Any life member of IMA KSB who are eligible to join Social Security Scheme can become a life member of the scheme by making a one time lump sum payment of Rs. 75,000/- towards the scheme. They need not make any further payment after this.
Admission fees
Admission fees vary from Rs. 1000 to 3000 depending on the age of the member at the time of joining the scheme.
Initial subscription for the ordinary membership
The initial subscription is comprised of admission fees and annual subscription of Rs. 300/-. Out of this 300 Rs.50 shall be paid to support the activities of IMA KSB.
The amount to be paid to the scheme at the time of joining the scheme is given below.
Age group Admission fee Annual subscription Total amount
Below 30 yrs 1000 300 1300
30 to 40 yrs 1500 300 1800
40 to 45 yrs 2000 300 2300
45 to 50 yrs 2500 300 2800
50 to 55 yrs 3000 300 3300
The amount has to be paid as DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Social Security Scheme payable at Kozhikode. Those who are making online payment, the counter foil (original) should be sent to the scheme office.
How to join the scheme
The filled up application form with the stipulated amount and the document to prove the age can be submitted to the branch secretary or to the honorary secretary of the scheme. The branch secretary, the district representative or the honorary secretary of the scheme can be contacted for application forms.
Branch Secretary’s Duty
At the time of sending new application date of joining IMA should be verified, annual/life membership in IMA should ascertained and years of continuous membership in IMA should be clearly written.
For renewal of membership in SSS I/II certificate from branch secretary should be obtained by all members of the scheme irrespective of annual/life membership in IMA. All effort should be taken to do this most memberfriendly.
Yearly contribution for renewal of ordinary membership.
Every year Rs. 300/- has to be paid as annual subscription for 20 years. Apart from this Rs. 200/- for each death for a maximum of 35 deaths in a year has to be paid for 20 years. The exact amount to be paid each year will be intimated by the scheme secretary individually on 3rd week of January. Last date for payment with out fine is February 28th and with a fine of Rs.25/- per month is May 31st.
Honorary members
Those who have completed 20 years of payment will be honorary members of the scheme. They need not make any further payment towards the scheme but will enjoy all the benefits of an ordinary member.
Fraternity benefit
In the event of unfortunate death of a member, the nominee / legal heir will be given an amount equivalent to 150 times the current net membership of the scheme. This amount will increase with the increase in membership of the scheme. The net membership is calculated by deducting the total Number of demises + total number of resignations + total number of deletions + total number of honorary members from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death. The fraternity benefit will be paid to nominee/nominees/legal heirs only if the member has been a member of the scheme for atleast 1 year from the date of joining the scheme.
Whenever you join the scheme, you can nominate one or more persons to receive the fraternity benefit. The nominations can be changed at any time in due course if necessary. For this you have to write to the scheme secretary and secretary will send you the proforma for change of nominee.
Disbursement of the fraternity benefit
In the event of death of a member, the honorary secretary of the local branch will inform the matter to the scheme secretary. The scheme secretary will send a claim form to the branch secretary. The completed claim form along with the original policy document has to be submitted to the scheme office. On receiving this, the scheme secretary will send a DD in favour of the nominee/nominees to the branch secretary who in turn will hand over the same to the nominee/nominees. The financial help will be given irrespective of the cause of death of the member.
Termination of the membership
If the annual subscription and fraternity contribution as demanded by the scheme secretary is not paid by 31st May of every year, a registered notice will be send to the member, if the member does not make the payment with in 15 days of receipt of this letter, then the membership shall stand terminated forthwith. As per the rules and bye-laws of Social Security Scheme/ SSS-II if any member at any time for any reason ceases to be a member of IMA KSB his membership of the scheme shall cease automatically.
Make sure to renew your membership in IMA every year.
The scheme was launched on 1st April 2004 and the scheme has given financial benefit to 44 families.
Aims and Objectives
a) To provide financial assistance to the family of a member in the event of his death.
b) To provide financial assistance to the member/family at the time of crisis during the members life time
c) Charitable activities to help those who are in need, recommended by the local branches.
Eligibility for membership
Any Life member of Kerala State Branch of IMA below the age of 60 years on the day of joining are eligible to become a member of scheme II provided.
a) A life member of 55 years and below the age of 60 years has a continuous membership of IMA KSB at least for 5 years on the day of joining the scheme II.
b) A life member of 45 years and below the age of 55 years has a continuous membership of IMA KSB at least for 3 years on the day of joining the scheme II.
c) For a life member below the age of 45 years period of continuous membership in IMA is not mandatory.
Admission fees
Admission fees varies depending on the age at the time of joining the scheme.
Age Amount (Rs)
Below 30 years 3000
30 yrs but below 35 yrs 3500
35 yrs but below 40 yrs 4000
40 yrs but below 45 yrs 5000
45 yrs but below 50 yrs 7000
50 yrs but below 55 yrs 10000
55 yrs and below 60 yrs 15000
A nnual subscription
Every member of Social Security Scheme II shall pay Rs.500/- as annual subscription for a period of 25 years. Out of this Rs.150/-
will be credited to the family benefit fund and Rs. 100/- shall be paid to support the activities of IMA KSB.
Fraternity contribution
Every member of the scheme II shall pay a fraternity contribution of Rs.300/- per death for a continuous period of 25 years.
Honorary member
Those who make payments for 25 years continuously need not make any further payment. They will remain as honorary members of
the scheme with all the benefits of an ordinary member.
Member’s disqualification
Every member of the scheme II shall pay the annual membership (Rs. 500/-) and fraternity contribution at the rate of Rs. 300/- per death. The secretary of the scheme will send individual demand notice in the 3rd week of July showing the exact amount to be paid. The last date for payment with out fine is 30th September every year, after that there will be a fine of Rs. 100/- per month. If the member does not make the payment with in 90 days a registered notice will be send at the members cost. The membership shall stand terminated if the member does not make the payment within 15 day of receipt of the notice.
Fraternity benefit
The bereaved family of the member will receive an amount equivalent to 300 times the current net membership of the scheme.Net membership is calculated by deducting the total number ofdemises + total number of resignations + total number of deletions + total number of honorary members from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death. The present fraternity benefit is Rs. 14.95 lakhs. The fraternity benefit will be paid to nominee/ nominees/legal heirs only if the member has been a member of the scheme for atleast 1 year from the date of joining the scheme.
How to join the scheme
Application forms can be obtained from the branch secretaries. District representatives or from the honorary secretary of the scheme. Filled up application forms with documents to prove the age and copy of the life membership certificate along with the Cheque or DD for appropriate amount can be handed over to the branch secretary or can be directly send to the scheme secretary. Policy document will be sent to all the members with in a month of receipt of the application form and realisation of the Cheque. Payment to Scheme II has to be made as DD / Cheque drawn in favour of Social Security Scheme II payable at Kozhikode.
Senior Social Security Scheme (SSSS)
Senior Social Security Scheme (SSSS) of IMA Kerala State Branch and is established to achieve the objects mentioned in clause 4 (II) of the Memorandum of IMA Kerala State Branch. It becomes a third phase of the SS Scheme of IMA Kerala State Branch with the special stipulations as given below. The scheme shall be operative with effect from December 2010.
Aims & Objectives of the Scheme III
a) To provide financial assistance to the family of a medical practitioner in the event of his death.
b) To provide financial assistance to the member who has become permanently diabled thereby rendering him unfit to practice his profession during his life time (VIII-2)
c) To run educational institutions, nursing homes, old age homes and palliative care clinics solely for philanthrophic objectives
without any profit motive.
d) To support the activities of IMA Kerala State Branch.
e) To support pension schemes.
Eligibility for Membership
a) Any life member of the Kerala State Branch of IMA are eligible to become a member of SSSS.
Note : l. Members who have applied for life membership in IMA KSB can join the S.S.S.S with condition that their membership will be
confirmed only after submitting proof of IMA life membership.
Note : ll. (i) Membership comes in to effect only when the IMA Kerala State Social Security Scheme III policy document signed by the chairman and the Hony. Secretary of the scheme, is issued to the member.
(ii) The members who Join the scheme III before 31-12-2011 are designated as ‘FOUNDER MEMBERS’ of the scheme.
Admission fees
Any eligible member of Kerala State Branch of lMA willing to become a Member of the Scheme Ill can do so on payment of admission fees as stated below:-
Age Amount( Rs)
Above 75 Years: Rs. 40,000/-
70 Years but below 75 Rs. 35,000/-
65 Years but below 70 Rs. 30,000/-
60 Years but below 65 Rs. 25,000/-
55 Years but below 60 Rs. 20,000/-
50 Years but below 55 Rs. 15,000/-
45 Years but below 50 Rs. 10,000/-
40 Years but below 45 Rs. 7,000/-
35 Years but below 40 Rs. 5,000/-
30 Years but below 35 Rs. 4,000/-
Below 30 Years Rs. 3,000/-
Members Contribution
Every member of the S.S.S.S shall pay Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) every year as annual membership fee for a period of
25 yrs. Out of this amount Rs.800 will be credited to the family benefit fund and Rs.200 shall be paid to support the activities of IMA KSB.
Every member of the SSSS shall pay fraternity contribution of Rs.500 (Rupees Five Hundred only) per death of a member on demand by the Hony. Secretary of the scheme every year for a period of 25 years continuously. After 25 yrs the member need not make any payment to the scheme but remains as a honorary member enjoying all the benefits of a member. For calculating 25 yrs, date of enrollment into the scheme shall be considered.
Member’s Rights
1. On the event of death of a member, the fraternity benefit to the nominee/ nominees /legal heirs shall be calculated as 500 times the then net membership. Net membership is calculated by subtracting total Number of demised members + total number of deleted
members + total number of retired members from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death of the member and shall be
returned to his nominee/ nominees/legal heirs as the case may be.
2. On the event of the demise of a member, the fraternity benefit will be paid to the nominee/ nominees/legal heirs only if the member
has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme. This will be effective from 1/1/2012.
3. On the receipt of the information from a responsible member of the family of a member that a member has become permanently
physically disabled there by rendering him unfit to practice his profession, and incurring huge financial burden to the family, such a
member can avail, financial help from family benefit fund. In that event of availing financial help from family benefit fund, he shall be
considered as retired member and his membership shall stand terminated. The dues to the scheme if any, shall be subtracted from
the amount he gets from family benefit fund. The decision of the retirement shall be at the discretion of the Managing Committee.
4. The amount to be paid under clause (1) & (2) above shall be paid as DD payable at the place of the nominee/ nominees or legal heirs within one month of the receipt of the information of the physical disability or death as the case may be subject to satisfying all conditions prescribed by the Managing Committee and on surrender of the policy document.
5. In the event of loss or non surrender of the Social security Scheme III policy document, the Managing Committee will take the final decision on the disposal of claim.
6. The scheme III will start payment only when 300 members Join the scheme.
7. The admission fee will be refunded to the nominee/nominees /legal heirs, in case of death of a member before attaining the membership of 300.
Only members of Indian Medical Association of Kerala State Branch are eligible to become the members of the Scheme.
Any claim arising within the jurisdiction of Kerala State alone will be entertained by the Scheme.
How to join the Scheme
Membership application forms are available with State Office bearers of IMA and the President/Secretary of IMA Branches. The Application form has to be promoted by the President/Secretary of the IMA Branch and sent to the Hon. Secretary of P P Scheme. The membership in the Scheme will be finalised only after verification of IMA membership and clearance from IMA State Headquarters. A member can join for one or more units of the scheme to get additional benefits in multiples and the membership fee for each unit is as follows.
Membership Fee
First Year Rs. 2000/- (if no claim)
Second Year Rs. 1900/-
Third Year Rs. 1800/- ( ” )
Fourth Year Rs. 1700/- ( ” )
Fifth Year Rs. 1600/- ( ” )
Sixth Year and thereafter Rs. 1500/- ( ” )
Renewal of Membership
Renewal intimation letter is sent from the Office before one month of due date. The renewal form should be forwarded by the branch president / secretary. Copy of the forwarding letter obtained from the branch president/secretary can be used for renewal of all the schemes during the IMA year. One month grace period from the due date is allowed by the Managing Committee.
Remember the Joining date, Membership Number and Renewal the Membership in IMA and PPS before the due date.
Litigations will be fought up to the Supreme Court of India, touphold the dignity of Modern Medical Fraternity, subject to the decision of the Managing Committee of the Scheme.
Dropping Out from the Scheme
Members who are not renewing their membership on the due date, a second intimation letter will be sent after 15 days, under certificate of posting, with a copy each to the District Representative of PP Scheme and to the Branch President and Secretary. If the member still does not renew his membership, a registered letter is sent.
Even after 15 days from the date of sending the registered letter if the member is not renewing the Membership, the member will be dropped from the Scheme. The dropped member can join the scheme as a new member by remitting the required membership.
1. Never panic.
2. To inform the District Representative of PP Scheme immediately, if any professional problem arises.
3. Send the following details to the Secretary within one week of the receipt of notice/plaint/petition/
(a) The Membership No. in P P Scheme and details of IMA Membership.
(b) Copy of the notice/plaint/petition/
(c) Copy of the case-sheet/case records.
(d) A detailed treatment summary with investigation results and giving explanations as needed. Extracts from standard text books or journals in support of the treatment may also be furnished giving name of book, author, edition, volume, page no. etc.
(e) A reply in one’s own words regarding the allegations contained in the notice or complaint, given paragraph wise.
(f) Full contact address including phone numbers, fax no., e-mail, mobile no, etc. should be given without fail.
(g) Please do not send any reply by the member or through any advocate without the permission of PP Scheme Secretary otherwise the member will lose the coverage under PP Scheme.
4. If the case does not fall within the Scheme, a DD for Rs. 2000/- in favour of P P Scheme of IMA, Kerala State payable at ‘Perinthalmanna’; for drafting reply for advocate Notice and Rs. 2500/- for drafting a detailed reply to complaint in court (for IMA doctors who are non-members of PP Scheme), Rs. 3000/- for doctors who are non-IMA and non-PP Scheme members and Rs. 3500/- for institutions and out of State cases.
National Professional Protection Scheme
Aims and Objectives
To protect the members and help them in case of harassment, litigation etc. which may arise during the process of their professional
To provide legal aid to the members of the Scheme.
Only Life Members of the Indian Medical Association are eligible to become the members of the Scheme.
Any claim arising within the jurisdiction of Republic of India alone will be entertained by the Scheme.
Membership fee for the first year shall be Rs. 3000/-. Any cause of action from the date of realization of the membership fee for one full
Calendar year will be taken up by the Scheme.
First year membership Rs.3000/-
Second year membership Rs. 2900/- (if no claim)
Third year membership Rs. 2800/- (if no claim)
Fourth year membership Rs. 2700/- (if no claim)
Fifth year membership Rs. 2600/- (if no claim)
Sixth year membership Rs. 2500/- (if no claim)
(Payment as DD in favour of National PP Scheme of IMA, payable at Thiruvananthapuram).
Member’s right
The scheme will contest civil, criminal, consumer or similar cases arising out of a member’s medical practice upto the level as decided by the managing committee. Litigations arising out of other actions of the members including the administration will not be dealt
with by the Scheme.
Application forms
Available with local branch Presidents and Secretaries.
Unique features of the Scheme
Help of IMA friends at the time of need.
Litigations fought up to the Supreme Court.
Help of Scheme Office bearers at every stage.
Vast Data Bank regarding Medico legal cases
“Professional Equipment & Employment Protection Scheme (PEPS)”
About Us
Medical profession is growing day by day. Patients expect perfect diagnosis and cure from the disease at the earliest. But we know this may not be possible always, which eventually ends in lot of litigations against doctors and hospitals. To get accurate diagnosis and provide treatment at the earliest, we depend on different types of medical equipment, many of them are high-tech and costly. On the other side of the scene, the companies create lot of burden to the customers by frequent price variations, inadequate after sales service, taking high AMC and breaching the contracts. Many IMA members and Medical Institutions requested IMA to set up a body to take appropriate measures so that members are protected from such unhealthy practices.
Finding a dream job is like finding a pearl in an oyster! With the increasing competition, every Health careentrepreneur wants to hire gems of the profession. At the same time, job seekers also want a destination where they can whet their skills and move towards a better life. A unique platform is required to cater the needs of both. At this juncture, IMA present the scheme, “Professional Equipment & Employment Protection Scheme (PEPS)”
PEPS is registered under Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration 12th Act 1955 as “Professional Equipment and Employment Protection Society”
It helps by:-
- Providing details of Medical Equipment.
- Providing details of Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Dealers & Distributors.
- Ensuring adequate after sales service of the Medical Equipment.
- ‘Employment Bureau’ is a part and parcel of PEPS, which helps by
- Providing Proper Placement for Junior Doctors, Retired Doctors, Specialists and Super Specialists.
- Creating a data base on vacancies of medical professionals in hospitals.
- Standardization of Salary.
- PEPS is supervising the supply of Bio-medical waste collection bags & Needle burners according to the quality parameters specified by the Pollution Control Board. PEPS will be assuring the quality of these products before supply to the hospitals / clinics. The hospital waste should be collected in these quality assured bags having the PEPS logo. Only then IMAGE will undertake its disposal.
- PEPS brings out a quarterly newsletter “PEPS VOICE” dealing with particular equipment in each issue.
Liability and Limitations:
The liability of the scheme is limited to
a. the transfer of information regarding various equipment with regard to the request in question which is based on the data available data available on record at the time and to support its members in cases of disputes of quality, working condition, after sales service etc.
b. the transfer of information regarding the availability of medical professionals of modern medicine for job placement and also
the vacancies available in various health care institutions based on the data available on record at the time.
PEPS is not an Insurance Scheme
Doctors and hospitals are intimately related in various aspects. If we share our grievances and unite together to fight against the unhealthy practices of the Medical equipment companies, we can make this scheme fly high. So also we can develop a congenial
atmosphere for better rapport between health care institutions & medical professionals with the common aim of better patient care.
Eligibility for Membership / Registration
a) PEPS Membership
• Only Life Members of IMA Kerala State can join this scheme.
• This lifelong membership is for general communications on request regarding various instruments of common interest.
b) Beneficiary (Equipment & Employment)
• Any Modern Medicine Hospital (Govt./Private), Health Care Institution or Diagnostic Centres in Kerala can register as a ‘Beneficiary’ of the scheme’ through a IMA ‘PEPS’ Member.
• The registration is only for general communications on request, regarding details of various Medical Equipment, Manufacturers, Dealers / Distributors of Medical Equipment or availability of various Medical Professionals for job placement.
• The diagnostic Centres should apply through the Radiologist or pathologist who is an IMA ‘PEPS’ Member.
c) Employment Bureau (PEPS – EB)
• Any registered modern medicine doctor can register in Employment Bureau.
• The Scheme will help them for placement in Kerala according to their qualifications on payment of Services Charges.
• PEPS – EB is planning to have tie-up with reliable agencies in future for placement abroad.
Membership / Registration Fee Structure*
(Subject to change, as per the decisions of Managing Committee of the Scheme from time to time)
a) PEPS Membership – Rs. 1,000/-
b) Beneficiaries of the Scheme – Rs. 2,500/-
*(50% concession for registering hospitals/institutions owned by PEPS Members)
c) Employment Bureau: Graduates / Junior Doctors - Rs. 500/-; Post Graduate Specialists – Rs. 1,000/-; Super Specialists – Rs.
2,000/-. *(50% concession for PEPS Members)
Service Charges:
(Subject to change, as per the decisions of Managing Committee of the Scheme from time to time)
a) For Purchase of Equipment through PEPS
An amount equal to 0.5 % of total purchase value of Equipment will be collected from the Hospital / Institution /PEPS Member for
helping to purchase equipment through ‘PEPS’
b) From Institutions on Job Placement of Medical Professionals
An amount equal to 5.0 % of 1st Month Salary of particular employee will be collected from the Hospital / Institution for placement of medical professionals through ‘PEPS’
c) From Doctors on Job Placement
An amount equal to 2.5 % of 1st Month Salary will be collected from the particular Doctor for job placement through ‘PEPS’.
Aims and Objects of the Scheme
To provide financial assistance to the members and his/her spouse, children and parents on the unfortunate events of hospitalization for diagnosis, management of the following diseases.
a) Coronary Heart Disease : Angioplasty, by-pass surgery & valvular heart diseases surgery.
b) Kidney failure : Hemodialysis, Renal Transplant
c) All malignant Diseases.
d) Management of brain Tumors
e) Joint Replacement: Surgery for knee and hip joints and major surgeries.
f) Spinal Stenosis and disc surgery
g) Cerebrovascular accidents.
h) Road Traffic accident and other accidents.
i) Other major illnesses requiring Hospitalisation approved by the scrutinizing committee.
Benefits of the Scheme shall be available only to the member and his/her spouse, children and parents, if the member has paid the membership subscriptions of his/her spouse, children and parents. In the event of death of the member, the spouse, children and parents, if desires can continue as a beneficiary member of the scheme provided the member was a Life Member of IMA.However such a beneficiary member shall not have any right to attend or vote in the general body meeting of scheme and shall not have any right to vote or contest for any post.
Eligibility of the Members
a) Up to 30th November 2006 (First six months) any member of IMA of any age is eligible to become a member of scheme. He/she is considered as Founder Member.
b) After 30.11.2006 any member of IMA up to the age of 80 years at the time of joining is eligible to become member of the scheme.
c) The age will be calculated on the date of receipt of draft/cheque subject to its encashment.
Admission Fees :
Any member of IMA KSB willing to become a member of the scheme shall be enrolled on payment of admission fees as per scale below.
For member :
a) Below age of 35 years Rs. 750.00
b) Below age of 45 years Rs. 1250.00
But above 35 years
c) Below age of 55 years But above 45 years Rs. 1750.00
d) Below 60 years but above 55 years Rs. 5000.00
e) Below 65 years but above 60 years Rs. 6000.00
f) Below 70 years but above 65 years Rs. 7000.00
g) Below 75 years but above 70 years Rs. 8000.00
h) Below 80 years but above 75 years Rs. 10000.00
Advance Financial Assistance Contribution (AFAC)
Every member/spouse member who have joined below 55 years shall have to pay initially and yearly Rs. 2600/- as advance financial assistance contribution along with the admission fees and annual membership fees of Rs.100/-. Every child member shall have to pay initially Rs. 2100 as advance financial assistance contribution.
Members below 60 years but above 55 years, who join the scheme above the age of 55 years, shall contribute AFAC of Rs. 5000/- per year
Members below 65 years but above 60 years, who join the scheme above the age of 55 years, shall contribute AFAC of Rs. 7000/- per year.
Members below 70 years but above 65 years, who join the scheme above the age of 55 years, shall contribute AFAC of Rs. 8000/- per year.
Members below 80 years but above 70 years, who join the scheme above the age of 55 years, shall contribute AFAC of
Rs.10000/- per year.
Annual Member Subscription
Every member/beneficiary member of the Scheme shall pay Rs.100/- each as annual membership subscription
Member shall submit their application in the prescribed application form along with their admission fees, membership fees
and advance financial assistance contribution drawn in favour of “IMA Kerala Health Scheme” by A/c. payee draft or local cheque payable at Head Office at Secretary’s office place with endorsement by Local Branch Secretary. No cash or money order will be accepted.
Benefits of the Scheme
(a) This scheme is intended to be helpful to members to meet the heavy expenses for the management of serious illness.
Coronary Heart Disease: By-pass surgery and angioplasty required for the treatment of coronary heart disease and valvular heart disease surgery will be covered under the scheme. Upper limit will be Rs. 2 Lakhs.
Kidney Failure: Regular haemodialysis or renal transplant required in the management of chronic irreversible failure of both the kidneys will be covered under the scheme. Upper limit will be Rs.2 Lakhs.
Cancer: Surgical, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy required for the treatment of all cancers will be covered under the scheme. Upper limit will be Rs. 2 Lakhs.
Management of Brain Tumors : Surgical, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy required for the treatment of brain tumors will be covered under the scheme. Upper limit will be Rs.2 Lakhs.
Major Surgeries: Surgery for knee and hip joints. Spinal Stenosis and disc surgery, or other major surgeries will be covered by the scheme with an upper limit of Rs. 100000/-
Any serious diseases requiring hospitalisation, will be covered with an upper limit of Rs.40000/- Diagnosis and Treatment costing less than Rs.5000/- will not be covered under this scheme.
b) Members have to submit original papers as well as attested photo copy of Treatment certificates (Discharge summaries), Break up of Bills (Professional charges, Medicines, investigations) and other documents upon which a claim is based with in 60 days of discharge from the Hospital. The member shall also give additional information and assistance as the scheme may require in dealing with any claim. If a claim be in any manner fraudulent or supported by any fraudulent means of device (whether by a member or any other person acting on his/her behalf), the scheme shall not be liable to make any payment. Original bills and papers will be given back to member after verification.
c) Permissible reimbursement will be disbursed/discharges within 3 months from the submission of the original papers, bills and other documents upon which the claim is based. After verifying all the facts as prescribed by the managing committee, all payments shall be made by A/c. payee check/bank draft / Net banking only. Managing Committee will have discretion to pass/reject payment of bills in case, where they are not satisfied about the genuineness of the bills.
d) Members will be given reimbursement of 75% of total amount of the bill not exceding the sum limited to each disease..
e) A member will get a maximum of benefit of Rs. 2 Lakhs in one year.
Private Hospitals have to apply for being included in the list of recognized institutions. The managing committee is empowered to add or alter or delete the name on the list of Institutes for management. It shall be communicated to all the members in advance. Members are requested to inform about the name of Institution for recognition.
f) No advance payment will be made to the member/beneficiary member.
g) The managing Committee of the Scheme shall be empowered to decide about the claims of the above diseases. State
Working Committee shall be the Appellate body . No disputes can be challenged in any court of Law.
h. i) 1. Founder member will have the benefit of the scheme only after completion of 6 months of joining of the scheme. For all other members of the scheme they will get benefit only after completion of 1 year of joining the scheme, except for those who join after completion of 60 years of age.
ii) The members who join after completion of 60 years of age will get benefit only after completion of 2 year of joining the scheme.
i) Charges of engaging a special nurse or attendant will not be reimbursed.
j) Expense incurred on travel or ambulance will not be reimbursed.
k) Food, laundry and telephone bills will not be allowed.
l) Treatment in other systems other than Modern Medicine will not be allowed.
IMAGE (IMA Goes Eco friendly)
IMAGE (IMA Goes Eco friendly) is the scheme of Indian Medical Association, Kerala for scientific disposal of biomedical waste. IMAGE provides comprehensive service by providing training to hospital staff for segregation of biomedical waste in colour coded bags, collection of it from hospitals, transportation in specially designed covered vehicles, scientific treatment and final disposal in the common facility. The infectious waste generated from the hospitals is disposed off most scientifically within 48 hours without any problems to the public at the Common Biomedical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility at Palakkad in accordance with the provision of the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling ) Rules 1998 and with the approval and guidance of Kerala State Pollution Control Board. The facility was dedicated to the nation on 14th December 2003.
Palakkad Plant:
The plant is situated in the midst of 25 acres of land. There are two main buildings for the plant with a total plinth area more than 12,000 sq.ft. All the machinery including 4 incinerators, 2 autoclaves, 2 shredders and three 125 kw generators and other accessories are installed in it. There is a vehicle wash area of 2000 sq ft. and modern Effluent treatment Plant for disinfecting all the effluents coming out during treatment of the waste. The project has been started with an initial investment of more than Rs.2 crores with the help of commercial loan. The operating expense is met by charging a nominal fee as operational cost. The plant which has been working effectively for the last 10 years has attracted attention of so many from India and abroad. Government has also joined hands with IMAGE and 258 health care institutions have affiliated with IMAGE.
IMAGE is based on the concept of users sharing the cost. IMA plays the role of catalyst and lends its brand name. IMAGE handles more than two third of Kerala’s biomedical waste. Private healthcare institutions pay an affiliation fee of Rs.1500/- per bed or consolidated Rs.6000/- per clinic. Service charges amount to Rs.4.50 per bed per day. Government health care institutions are served through an MOU with Government of Kerala. No affiliation fee is levied and is charging only Rs. 3.50 per bed for 80% of the bed strength from them. IMAGE remains the signature of IMA in Kerala.
The additional facility for IMAGE at Kanjikode in Palakkad was inaugurated by the Past National President Dr. V.C. Velayudhan Pillai
on 05.10.2008. So now IMAGE has the capacity to manage the Biomedical waste generated by all the Health care Institutions in Kerala.
IMAGE has purchased 7 acres of land in Elavupalam Village in Trivandrum District and started preliminary works to commence the 2nd common facility. Even though the Kerala State Pollution control board has given consent to establish on 06-12-2012 the Forest Department is rasing objections against the establishment. There is a proposal to establish 3rd common facility at Cochin in co-operation with CREDAI Clean City Movement, the MOU has been signed on 15-10-2012.
The following is the present status of affiliation of IMAGE
Sector No. of Healthcare No. of Beds
Private 4562 62280
Government 258 24899
E.S.I.C. 4 538
E.S.I. 9 750
TOTAL 4833 88467
Mutual Benefit Scheme
Mutual Benefit Scheme was first introduced in March 2001 after thorough deliberations in the Annual State Council meeting held at
Thiruvananthapuram in November 2000.
The aims are:
1) to provide financial support to the members
2) to provide the habit of thrift amongst the members
3) to encourage financial planning amongst the members
4) to support the activities of IMA Kerala State Branch.
Any member of IMA Kerala State Branch or an institution run by IMA members is eligible to become a member of the Scheme by
joining any of the projects of the Scheme. Every member shall pay in monthly installments an amount depending on the project under
which he joins. Total number of members in each project is 20 and IMA Kerala State Branch shall be a non-paying member in all
projects. The monthly installment is due on 20th of every month and the monthly beneficiary will be selected by picking up lots on 25 of
every month at office of the Secretary / IMA State Headquarters. The member who needs the Beneficiary amount should sent request to the secretary in advance and the amount will be paid on receipt of Promissory note duly signed and an undated cheque for the amount receivable, payable to Mutual Benefit scheme of IMA. Receipt for the amount received should be sent to secretary as early as possible for our records for auditing purpose.
Project Total amount Beneficiary Monthly
Installment Payable
A Rs.100000 Rs. 80000-100000 Rs. 5000
B Rs.200000 Rs.160000-200000 Rs.10000
C Rs.500000 Rs.400000-500000 Rs.25000
Member need to pay only 19 installments:
Sl.No. Scheme A Scheme B Scheme C
(Rs.5000/- P.M) (Rs.10000/- P.M) (Rs.25000/- P.M)
1 Rs.100000 Rs.200000 Rs.500000 for IMA
2 Rs. 80000 Rs.160000 Rs.400000
3 Rs. 81000 Rs.162000 RS.405000
4 Rs. 82000 Rs.164000 RS.410000
5 Rs. 83000 Rs.166000 RS.415000
6 Rs. 84000 Rs.168000 RS.420000
7 Rs. 85000 Rs.170000 RS.425000
8 Rs. 86000 Rs.172000 RS.430000
9 Rs. 87000 Rs.174000 RS.435000
10 Rs. 88000 Rs.176000 RS.440000
11 Rs. 89000 Rs.178000 RS.445000
12 Rs. 90000 Rs.180000 RS.450000
13 Rs. 91000 Rs.182000 RS.455000
14 Rs. 92000 Rs.184000 RS.460000
15 Rs. 93000 Rs.186000 RS.465000
16 Rs. 94000 Rs.188000 RS.470000
17 Rs. 95000 Rs.190000 RS.475000
18 Rs. 96000 Rs.192000 RS.480000
19 Rs. 97000 Rs.194000 Rs.485000
20 Rs. 98500 Rs.197000 RS.492500
21 Rs. 100000 Rs.200000 RS.500000
Even if no one requests for advance payment in a month draw will be taken and amount will be paid to the member whose name comes up in the draw
Salient features:-
- Any life member can join the Scheme, even after the age of 60 yrs.
- Pension will be given to the members of the Scheme preferably after 60 years/ at the time when they opt for pension.
- Annual Subscription Rs:12,000/- or any higher amount decided by the member.
- A member can put any amount as contribution any time in a year.
- A lock in period of 1 year will be there to avail pension in case of a member who joins the scheme at the age of 60 or later.
- The pension amount depends upon capital amount and interest rate in force.
- The capital amount will be given to the nominee after the death of member of the Pension Scheme.
Admission Fees : 45 and below Rs. 3,000/-
Above 45 Rs. 5,000/-
Annnual Membership Rs. 500/-