Only members of Indian Medical Association of Kerala State Branch are eligible to become the members of the Scheme.
Any claim arising within the jurisdiction of Kerala State alone will be entertained by the Scheme.
How to join the Scheme
Membership application forms are available with State Office bearers of IMA and the President/Secretary of IMA Branches. The Application form has to be promoted by the President/Secretary of the IMA Branch and sent to the Hon. Secretary of P P Scheme. The membership in the Scheme will be finalised only after verification of IMA membership and clearance from IMA State Headquarters. A member can join for one or more units of the scheme to get additional benefits in multiples and the membership fee for each unit is as follows.
Membership Fee
First Year Rs. 2000/- (if no claim)
Second Year Rs. 1900/-
Third Year Rs. 1800/- ( ” )
Fourth Year Rs. 1700/- ( ” )
Fifth Year Rs. 1600/- ( ” )
Sixth Year and thereafter Rs. 1500/- ( ” )
Renewal of Membership
Renewal intimation letter is sent from the Office before one month of due date. The renewal form should be forwarded by the branch president / secretary. Copy of the forwarding letter obtained from the branch president/secretary can be used for renewal of all the schemes during the IMA year. One month grace period from the due date is allowed by the Managing Committee.
Remember the Joining date, Membership Number and Renewal the Membership in IMA and PPS before the due date.
Litigations will be fought up to the Supreme Court of India, touphold the dignity of Modern Medical Fraternity, subject to the decision of the Managing Committee of the Scheme.
Dropping Out from the Scheme
Members who are not renewing their membership on the due date, a second intimation letter will be sent after 15 days, under certificate of posting, with a copy each to the District Representative of PP Scheme and to the Branch President and Secretary. If the member still does not renew his membership, a registered letter is sent.
Even after 15 days from the date of sending the registered letter if the member is not renewing the Membership, the member will be dropped from the Scheme. The dropped member can join the scheme as a new member by remitting the required membership.
1. Never panic.
2. To inform the District Representative of PP Scheme immediately, if any professional problem arises.
3. Send the following details to the Secretary within one week of the receipt of notice/plaint/petition/
(a) The Membership No. in P P Scheme and details of IMA Membership.
(b) Copy of the notice/plaint/petition/
(c) Copy of the case-sheet/case records.
(d) A detailed treatment summary with investigation results and giving explanations as needed. Extracts from standard text books or journals in support of the treatment may also be furnished giving name of book, author, edition, volume, page no. etc.
(e) A reply in one’s own words regarding the allegations contained in the notice or complaint, given paragraph wise.
(f) Full contact address including phone numbers, fax no., e-mail, mobile no, etc. should be given without fail.
(g) Please do not send any reply by the member or through any advocate without the permission of PP Scheme Secretary otherwise the member will lose the coverage under PP Scheme.
4. If the case does not fall within the Scheme, a DD for Rs. 2000/- in favour of P P Scheme of IMA, Kerala State payable at ‘Perinthalmanna’; for drafting reply for advocate Notice and Rs. 2500/- for drafting a detailed reply to complaint in court (for IMA doctors who are non-members of PP Scheme), Rs. 3000/- for doctors who are non-IMA and non-PP Scheme members and Rs. 3500/- for institutions and out of State cases.