The Social Security scheme I is the most benevolent and prestigious scheme of IMA Kerala State Branch, launched on 1st July 1987. The scheme has completed 25 years and has given substantial financial benefit to 282 bereaved families till date. The fraternity benefit at present is 12.30 lakhs.
Aims and Objectives
1. The main aim of the scheme is to give financial support to the bereaved family of a member of the scheme in the event of unfortunate death.
2. Charitable activities to help those who are in need of financial assistance for their treatment at the request of local branches of IMA.
Eligibility of membership
Any member of IMA Kerala State Branch below the age of 55 years is eligible to Join the scheme provided
a) Any member above the age of 50 but below 55 yrs should have a continuous membership of 5 years in IMA on the day of joining the scheme.
b) Any member above the age of 40 but below 50 yrs should have a continuous membership of 2 years in IMA on the date of joining the scheme.
c) For those IMA members who are below the age of 40 continuous membership in IMA is not mandatory.
Life membership
Any life member of IMA KSB who are eligible to join Social Security Scheme can become a life member of the scheme by making a one time lump sum payment of Rs. 75,000/- towards the scheme. They need not make any further payment after this.
Admission fees
Admission fees vary from Rs. 1000 to 3000 depending on the age of the member at the time of joining the scheme.
Initial subscription for the ordinary membership
The initial subscription is comprised of admission fees and annual subscription of Rs. 300/-. Out of this 300 Rs.50 shall be paid to support the activities of IMA KSB.
The amount to be paid to the scheme at the time of joining the scheme is given below.
Age group Admission fee Annual subscription Total amount
Below 30 yrs 1000 300 1300
30 to 40 yrs 1500 300 1800
40 to 45 yrs 2000 300 2300
45 to 50 yrs 2500 300 2800
50 to 55 yrs 3000 300 3300
The amount has to be paid as DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Social Security Scheme payable at Kozhikode. Those who are making online payment, the counter foil (original) should be sent to the scheme office.
How to join the scheme
The filled up application form with the stipulated amount and the document to prove the age can be submitted to the branch secretary or to the honorary secretary of the scheme. The branch secretary, the district representative or the honorary secretary of the scheme can be contacted for application forms.
Branch Secretary’s Duty
At the time of sending new application date of joining IMA should be verified, annual/life membership in IMA should ascertained and years of continuous membership in IMA should be clearly written.
For renewal of membership in SSS I/II certificate from branch secretary should be obtained by all members of the scheme irrespective of annual/life membership in IMA. All effort should be taken to do this most memberfriendly.
Yearly contribution for renewal of ordinary membership.
Every year Rs. 300/- has to be paid as annual subscription for 20 years. Apart from this Rs. 200/- for each death for a maximum of 35 deaths in a year has to be paid for 20 years. The exact amount to be paid each year will be intimated by the scheme secretary individually on 3rd week of January. Last date for payment with out fine is February 28th and with a fine of Rs.25/- per month is May 31st.
Honorary members
Those who have completed 20 years of payment will be honorary members of the scheme. They need not make any further payment towards the scheme but will enjoy all the benefits of an ordinary member.
Fraternity benefit
In the event of unfortunate death of a member, the nominee / legal heir will be given an amount equivalent to 150 times the current net membership of the scheme. This amount will increase with the increase in membership of the scheme. The net membership is calculated by deducting the total Number of demises + total number of resignations + total number of deletions + total number of honorary members from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death. The fraternity benefit will be paid to nominee/nominees/legal heirs only if the member has been a member of the scheme for atleast 1 year from the date of joining the scheme.
Whenever you join the scheme, you can nominate one or more persons to receive the fraternity benefit. The nominations can be changed at any time in due course if necessary. For this you have to write to the scheme secretary and secretary will send you the proforma for change of nominee.
Disbursement of the fraternity benefit
In the event of death of a member, the honorary secretary of the local branch will inform the matter to the scheme secretary. The scheme secretary will send a claim form to the branch secretary. The completed claim form along with the original policy document has to be submitted to the scheme office. On receiving this, the scheme secretary will send a DD in favour of the nominee/nominees to the branch secretary who in turn will hand over the same to the nominee/nominees. The financial help will be given irrespective of the cause of death of the member.
Termination of the membership
If the annual subscription and fraternity contribution as demanded by the scheme secretary is not paid by 31st May of every year, a registered notice will be send to the member, if the member does not make the payment with in 15 days of receipt of this letter, then the membership shall stand terminated forthwith. As per the rules and bye-laws of Social Security Scheme/ SSS-II if any member at any time for any reason ceases to be a member of IMA KSB his membership of the scheme shall cease automatically.
Make sure to renew your membership in IMA every year.