On 2nd September State working committee meeting was conducted at Thiruvananthapuram IMA State Head Quarters.Dr.Devadas,Dr.NinanKuthur and Dr.Saju.P.K attended the meeting.
On 4/9/18 Our 13th Executive meeting was conducted at 8.30 p.m on IMA House 16 Members attended the Meeting.
!5th General body meeting was conducted at IMA House on 18/9/18 at 8.15 p.m .54 members attended the meeting.AdvocateFebin James was the Speaker. The topic was on Medicolegal aspect of Clinical Practice.
On 19/9/18 aMedical camp was conducted at Kavilakkat for the mentally challenged Patients .9 patients were present
On 29/9/18 a State council meeting was conducted at IMA House,TVM.Dr.Devadas K.V attended the meeting.
On 30/9/18 Our monthly medical camp was conducted at IMA House .46 patients attended the camp. Dr.Shaji.p.s and Dr.Mukesh.K.R attended the camp.
On 4/8/18 ,our 11th executive meeting was conducted at IMA House at 8.30 p.m.22 members attended the meeting
On 8/8/18 an awareness class was conducted in collaboration with IAP for nursing students at Unity Hospital at 10.30 a.m.Dr.Dhanya Paediatrician and Secretary Dr.Sureshkumar conducted the class.The subject was importance of breast feeding .This was during the breast feeding awareness week from 1/8/18 to 8/8/18
On 15thaugust ,Independence day was observed at IMA House at 8.15 a.m.Our President Dr.Rajesh conducted flag hoisting.112 members attended the function.
On the same day at 8.30 a.mWe conducted an Emergency Executive meeting in Connection with the flood situation through out the State.TheOnam Celebrations and the CME proposed to be conducted on 21/8/18 was postponed.
Various Medical camps were conducted from 16/8/18 to 22/8/18 by IMA in collaboration with the Doctors of Govt.HospitalKunnamkulam.The time was from 12 noon to 5 p.m.There were 10 flood affected refugee camps at Govt.Polytechnic,Kunnamkulam,Vattampadam High School, Vaduthala,Kochannur high School,ChammannurAppu Memorial High School,Bethany St. John,s Higher Secondary School, Kunnamkulam,SabaAuditorium,St.Mary,sConvent,Chowannur,AdupputtySchool,andAyyankulangara Raja Auditorium.Doctors Participated were Devadas,Harikrishnan,Mallika,Rema,Rajesh,Shaji,Venugopal,Rajagopal,Sureshkumar,Tajpaul,Pinky,Priya,Preetha,Unnikrishnan,Reghu,Harish,Ditto,Jerry,Pradeep.2 Ambulances were there for transportation.12 House Surgeons and P.G Doctors from Amala Medical colleges were helping for the camps.There were4 Nurses ,2 Pharmacists,2 Health Inspectors and 2 JPHN,s were also helped in the Camps
A Disrict committee meeting was conducted at IMA House Trichur at 8.30 p.m on 22/8/18.
The various activities of Flood relief was coordinated .Doctors from JipmerPondichery,SRM Medical college Chennai and from Maharashtra were present in the meeting.Dr.Saju.P.K Chairman addressed the Members and congragulated all branches especially Thrissur,Kodungallur,Kunnamkulam,Chalakudy,Thriprayar,Guruvayur,etc for showing excellent response for Medical camps for the flood affected areas.Dr.Saju welcomed Dr.Pradeep and team from Jipmer,Dr.Nandakumar and Team from SRM Medical College and DrSanthosh and Team from JJ Medical college Mumbai and MSN Team.Special appreciation was given to Dr.Gopakumar,Secretary IMA Health Scheme Kerala for single handedly co ordinatingall the schedule for IMA Doctors through DMO Office and Dr.M.ESugathan,President Elect,2019 for giving Moral support to all by visiting most of the camps in Thhrissur.All the Doctors from outside State congragulated all the Officials for making the camp experience very peaceful and satisfying.
Another District Committie Meeting was conducted at IMA House Trichur on 31/8/18 ,8.30p.m to evaluate the flood relief activities.
Secretary,IMA Kunnamkulam
On 1/7/18 Doctors day was observed at IMA House Kunnamkulam
The meeting was called to order at 7.15 p.m after investing the collar on the President.
The prayer was sung by Dr.MallikaHarikrishnan.Flag salutation was done by the Secretary,dr.Sureshkumar.
President Dr.Rajesh.P welcomed the Chief Guest Mr.T.DRamakrishnan and the Members.Also welcomed the Presidents/Secretaries of IDA,Rotary,Lionsclub,ComatesCircle,Press Club on to the Dias.Also the Chairman and Office bearers of the Pratheeksha Charitable trust,Kootanad,Palakkad District.
The Doctors day message was delivered by Dr.Harikrishnan.
The Chief Guest was introduced by Dr.Koshy George.
The lamp lighting and inaugural address was given by the Chief Guest,Mr.T.DRamakrishnan.He also inaugurated the Charity Projects.
1.Sponsoring a Girl Child Aneesha with Books,food and dress and a cheque of Rs.35000.
2.Tricycle and a Cheque of RS.15000 TO Mr.Sekharan a Paraplegic Patient for selling Lottery.
3.Sponsoring 20 wheel Chairs to Pratheeksha Charity trust.
The Senior Members Dr.Geethadevi,Dr.Rajan.M.K and Dr.Vijayan Nair were honoured by the President by Ponnada.
Bouque and Poinnada were given to the Chief Guest by Dr.Devadas ,pastpresident,IMA.
Our Member Dr.SujaySidhan was honoured by The President Rajesh.P for his receipt of award for maximum blood donation.Memento and Ponnada were given.
Felicitation was done by Dr.Devadas.,Presidents of IDA,Rotoryclub,Lionsclub,comates circle and press club.
Master of Ceremony were done by Dr.V.P Varghese paul and dr.rajeshkrishnan.Vote of thanks was proposed by the secretary,followed by National anthem.
Variety entertainment followed ,groupsong,dance, etc. by our members,followed by dinner and fellowship.
On 10/7/18 our 10th executive meeting was conducted at IMA House. 16 Members attended the meeting.
On 20/7/18 District committee meeting was conducted at IMA House Trichur.Dr.Devadas,dr.NinanKuthoor,Dr.sureshkumar,Secretory were present at the meeting apart
from dr.saju.p.K,DC Chairman at 8.30 P.M
On 24/7/18 Our 13th General body meeting and 10th CME was conducted at IMA House.
Dr.JayanthiVijayakumar was the Guest speaker.The topic was on the screening and prevention of various cancers .47 members attended the meeting
ON 27/718 an emergency D.C meeting was conducted at IMA House trichur in connection with the protest against NMC bill at 8.30.p.m
On 28/7/18 protest against NMC bill was observed by boycotting the out patient and routine work of hospitals and clinic.An emergency General body meeting was conducted at IMA House at 10 A.M
24 Members attended the meeting.
On 29/7/18 Our monthly Medical camp was conducted at IMA House at 9 a.M.47 patients attended the camp.Dr.Shaji.P.s and dr.Mukesh.k.R conducted the camp.
On 2nd and 3rdJune ,there was a International seminar on Redefining ethics in the context of Clinical practice in India at Hotel Udayasamudra,Kovalam,Thiruvananthapuram.The Programme was organised by IMA,Kerala,state branch. Dr.Devadas and Dr.NinanKuthoor attended the function.
Our 9th Executive meeting was conducted at IMA H
use at 8.30 p.m on 5/6/18. 23 members attended the meeting.
On 25/6/18 Our President,Dr.Rajesh.p visited the Pratheeksha Charitable Society ,Kootanad,Pattambi.Decided to sponsor 20 wheel chairs for the Patients.
On 24/6/18 our monthly Medical Camp was conducted at IMA Hall at 9.30 A.m.43 Patients attended the program.Dr.Shaji.P.S and Dr.Mukesh.K.R attend the camp.
On 19/6/18 Our 12th General body meeting and 9th CME was conducted at IMA House.47 Members attended the Programme.Dr.SijufrancisOrthopedicSurgeon was the Speaker.The topic was on arthritis of knee and various treatment modalities.
Our 8th Executive meeting was held at IMA House on 8/5/18 8.30 p.m.17 Members attended the Meeting.
On 12/5/18 a reception was given to the Winners of Kerala Sahithya Academy Award at Muncipal Town Hall Kunnamkulam.Dr. Harikrishnan, Our Member was honoured in the Occasion.
On 16/5/18 a Condolence Meeting/General body Meeting was held at IMA House in connection with the demise of Our Member Dr.Vijayakumar.
On 20/5/18 ,258th SWC Meeting was held at Kollam.Dr.NinanKuthur,Dr.O.J John and Dr.Saju.P.k attended the Programme.
On 22/5/18 Our 11th General body Meeting and CME was Conducted at IMA House 54 Members attended the Programme.Dr.T.Govindanunny,Cardiologist From Jubilee Medical College was the Speaker.
On 27/5/18 Our Monthly Medical Camp was conducted at IMA House.Dr,Shaji.P.S attended the Camp.50 Patients were Examined in the Camp.
Our Ongoing Project,Diabetic Detection Camp was Conducted on 26/5/18 by Dr.Shameer.C.Sulaiman.
OUR 7TH Executive meeting was conducted on 3/4/18 at 8.30 p.m .16 members attended the meeting.The 9th General Body Meeting and 7th CME was conducted at IMA Hall on 17/4/18 at 8.30 p,m.56
A free medical camp was conducted for Women for cancer detection of the Breast and Uterine Cervix in collaboration with Share and care Charitable Society,Kunnamkulam,IMA.Cochin cancer care Society,pain and palliative care unit ,Kunnamkulam in association with Inner wheel Club,Rotary club on 9/4/18 to 12/4/18 at Pannithadam,Pazhanji,puliyannur,and Bethany St.John ‘s School,Respectively.
members attended the meeting .Dr.Anandakesavan was the Speaker Dr.Harikrishnan was honoured by Our Presaident Rajesh .p for his receipt of Kerala Sahithya Academy Award for his Travelogue,NileVazhikal.
A District committee meeting was conducted at IMA Hall Trichur at 8.30 p.m on 24/4/18.Dr.Saju,Chaired the Session Dr.Harikrishnan was Honoured For his Award winning .Doctors Devadas,O.JJohn,Dr.NinanKuthhor,President Rajesh .P,SecretarySureshkumar,CheriyanVarghese,Mukesh.SundareshKumar were Present in the Meeting.
On 26/4/18 No horn day was Observed .Dr.Devadas,NinanKuthur,Rajesh,President,SecretarySureshkumar attended the Inaugural Ceremony at Police Station, Kunnamkulam at 8a.m.SI of Police,Shajahaninaugurated the Sticker pasting.
On 29/4/18 Our Monthly Medical camp was Conducted at IMA Hall Pudussery.49 Patients attended the camp.
Our ongoing project of Diabetic detection camp was conducted as usual by Dr.Shameer sulaiman.
Secretary,IMA Kunnamkulam
Our 6th Executive meeting was held on 6/3/18,8.30p.m 22 members attended the meeting.
On 11/3/18 a bicycle rally was conducted from IMA House to Kunnamkulam town by 11 members at 7.15 a.m as a protest against NMC bill.
On the same day pulse polio programme was inaugurated at Govt.HospitalKunnamkulam at 9.30 am.TheMuncipalChairPersonMrs.SeethaRavindran inaugurated the Programme.Kunnamkulam Rotary President and Secretary were also present in the programme.
On 20/3/18 our 8th general body meeting and 6th CME was conducted at IMA House Kunnamkulam.52 members attended the programme.Dr.JemKalathil,Surgical Oncologist and Dr.Jayasankar.P,Senior Specialist in Medical Oncologist,both from Aster Medicity Kochi Spoke during the Programme.
On 21/3/18 ,We gave a send off to the Medical Students Who were going to New Delhi to participate for the MahaPanchayath on 25/3 18.Dr. Devadas,Dr.Saju.P,K and Dr.Sureshkumar,Secretary attended the send off at Railway Station Thrissur at 8.30 P.M.
On 25/3/18 Our Members Dr.Devadas and Dr.Vimith C Wilson attended the MahaPanchayath at New Delhi.
On the same day Our Monthly Medical Camp was conducted at IMA House at 9.30 p.m 53 Patients attended the Camp.Dr.Shaji.P.S and Dr.Mukesh.K.R attended the Camp.
Our ongoing Project of Diabetic detection and Management was conducted at Diabetic Centre,Kunnamkulam By Dr.ShameerC.Sulaiman.
On 6/2/18 our 5th executive meeting was held at IMA house.19 members attended the meeting
On 9/2/18 District committee meeting was conducted at IMA House Trichur.PresidentDr.Rajesh.p,Dr.Sureshkumar,Secretary,Dr.NinanKuthoor,SWCmember,Dr.Mukesh,Dr.Devadas,Dr.KoshyGeorge,attended the meeting at 8.30p.m
On18/2/18 SWC meeting was held at IMA Periyarhouse,aluva.dr.ninanKuthoor,Dr.Geethadevi,Dr.Sundareshkumar,Dr.Rajesh.P,Dr.Koshy George and Saju.P.K attended the meeting.
On 20/2/18 Our 7th General body meeting and CME was conducted at IMA House,Kunnamkulam
53 members attended the programmeThe Speaker was Dr.PaulT.Antony,ClinicalImmunologist,Asst Professor ,HOD,Amala Medical college.The topic was,on rheumatoid arthritis.
On 21/2/18 there was emergency district committee meeting at Kodungallur.There was a discussion on the Hospital attack on Gourisankar Hospital.
On 25/2/18 Our monthly Medical camp was conducted at IMA House Kunnamkulam.49 patients attended the Programme.Dr.Mukesh K.R and Dr.Shaji.P.S attended the Programme.
On 27/2/18 a reception was given to our National IMA President,Dr.RaviWankedkar at medical College Trichur as a Part of BharathYathra.dr.Saju.P.K and Dr.DevadasK.v attended the Programme.
Our ongoing Programme,Diabetes detection camp was conducted as usual by Dr.Shameersulaiman.
On 2/1/18 national wide protest was observed against the proposed NMC bill. An emergency general body meeting was conducted at the IMA House at 10 am.29 members attended the meeting.The OP and routine functions of the Hospital except emergency services were boycotted by our doctors.
Dr Rajesh President,Dr. Saju District committee Chairman,Dr.Devadas,DrKoshy George ,DrPaul C Raphel spoke about the various issues of the NMC bill.
On 9/1/18 the 3rd executive meeting was conducted at IMA House at 8.30 p.m 17 members attended the meeting
On 19/1/18 a free medical camp was conducted at IMA Hall on10 am.It was conducted in coordination with MCH Trichur Radiotherapy department,Chowannur Grama Panchayath,Mahatma Gandhi Centenary memorial Library,Pudussery.184 Patients attended the Camp.Dr.Joshy Thomas,Past President and Secretary Dr.Sureshkumar attended the Inaugoral ceremony.
On 23/1/18 Our 6th General body meeting and 4th CME was conducted at IMA hall at 8.30 p.mThe speakers are Dr.Aswath Kumar Gynaecologist and Professor from Jubilee Medical college,Dr. Jain Chimmen,Secretary PPS,of IMA.The Topic anaemia in pregnancy was presented in an excellent manner.Dr, Jain Chimmen presented the functioning of the PPS .
On 26/1/18 Republic Day was held at IMA house Kunnamkulam.Senior Vice President Dr.Asok Varma Hoisted the flag at 8.15 am.Dr.Sureshkumar, Secretary,Dr.Ajith.T treasurer,Dr.Paul.C.Raphel,Dr.Joshy Thomas,former president attended the function.
On 28/1/18 our monthly medical camp was conducted at IMA House at 9.15 am.63 patients attended the camp.Dr.Mukesh and Dr.Shaji.P.S attended the camp.
On the same day Zonal Conference of IMA was held at IMA Periyar house.DTF Chairman Dr Saju.P.K and SWC member Dr Ninan Kuthoor attended the function.
The ongoing project of IMA kunnamkulam, diabetes detection camp has been conducted during the month of January as usual.
Secretary IMA Kunnamkulam
1st December world AIDS day was conducted at Unity Hospital Kunnamkulam.A class was conducted by Dr.Sureshkumar Secretary for Nursing students .42 students attended the class.
On 3rd December a Medical camp was conducted at Panchayath Office Chowannur.31 patients attended the camp.a cultural programme was conducted for Mentally and physically handicapped Persons along with this. Dr.Rajesh,President IMA Kunnamkulam,drSureshkumarSecretary,Dr.NinanKuthoor,Dr.BinduBalan,Dr.OJJohn,Dr.JoshyThomas,Dr.Shaji.P.s attended the camp.
On 5th December 3rd Executive Meeting was conducted at IMA House. 21 Members attended the meeting.Discussion was done for New year celebration.CME was decided on 19/12/17.Two speakers,one Endocrinologist and another Neurosurgeon.
On 9th and 10th a training programme was conducted at IMA Head Quarters Thiruvananthapuram.Secretary Dr Sureshkumar,Dr.NinanKuthoor And Dr.Devadas attended the function.Mr.SasiTharoor,M.P inaugurated the function .Dr,Pradeepkumar Past President was Honoured for The best President during 2017.President Dr.Ummer,SecretaryDr.Sulphi also attended the function.NationalPresident,Dr.RaviWankedkar addressed the meeting.The training programme on Digimate.IMA connect ,etc by various faculties were also good.
On 19/12/17,3rd General body meeting and 3rd CME was conducted.Dr. NibinDominic ,Endocrinologist And Dr.Anup P Nair,Neuro Surgeon both from Aster Medicity Kochi spoke about Newer Inulins and Lumbar IVDP ,recent trends respectively.
On 22/12/17 ,a safety training programme was conducted by Dr.Ajith for KSEB Employees on BLS and first aid training at VyudithiBhavan ,Trichur.60 KSEB Employees of various stations of Trichur district attended the session. Training Co ordinatorMr.Raghu and Assistant Executive Engineer spoke on the occasion and offered vote of thanks.
First meeting of District committee was held at IMA Hall Trichur on 22/12/17 8.30 p.m.Dr.Saju was elected as the Chairman.There was an acceptance speech by Dr.Saju.Dr.NinanKuthur,Dr.Sureshkumar and Dr.Rajagopal attended the meeting.There was a speech by Dr.Gopikumar ,Health scheme Secretary,Dr.Jainchimmen,PP Scheme secretary.
The 4th general body and Christmas and New year celebrations were conducted at IMA Hall on 30/12/17 7,45 p.m.After the Welcome speech a gala stage performance was conducted by the Cyclone team.The programme was closed at 10.20 p.m for dinner.
The monthly Medical camp was conducted at IMA House at 9.30 a.m.47 patients attended the camp.Dr.Mukesh and Dr.Shaji.P.S conducted the camp.
The ongoing diabetes camp was conducted by Dr.ShameerC.Sulaiman